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Our Father, Graham Barker passed away on 10th May 2020. Sadly, during these current times, only 10 people are allowed to attend his funeral. We understand that some of his friends and family would have loved to have attended or sent floral tributes. Instead of flowers, because as Dad would have said, "What's the point, they only get thrown away anyway" we are asking, anybody who would like to, to make a donation to a our chosen charity instead. We have decided to raise money for a smaller local charity, rather than a bigger one. Anybody who knew Dad would have known how family orientated he was. He loved us all and was never happier than when we were all around the table eating together. In addition to this, people will know how much he couldn't stand injustice or people going without. He hated poverty and suffering and regularly gave to charities who helped such causes. Dad also spent large parts of his varied career working with food and in catering. Due to these factors we have nominated the Thurrock Foodbank as the charity to benefit from your kind donations.

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